Whether you have been applying for jobs and can not get any traction from your existing resume, or you were just laid off and have never written a resume, you nave realized the importance of getting back on track with a new and improved resume. But the big question is – where can you find a company or writer who is qualified and capable of assisting you with writing your resume?
Search Engines. The most common LinkedIn profile optimization way to search for resume writing services – or anything for that matter – is to use the Internet. Popular search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN are great tools to utilize when searching for a Professional Resume Writer. Search for keywords such as “Resume Writer”, “Resume Writing Service”, and “Resume Help”, and choose from one of the search engine’s listings. Google, the world’s leading search engine, has prided itself on displaying the most up-to-date and accurate listings for each individual search keyword. This is the most efficient way to review all of the leading resume writers and resume writing services at once.
PARW. In addition to search engines, you can also use the Professional Association of Resume Writers’ website (parw.com). Their website contains a directory which lists all individuals and companies who have received their resume writing certification. Search for a writer based on a region, city, area code, name, or by company name. This is a great way to search for some of the best and brightest writers to assist you with your resume.
Recruiters. You can also contact recruiters within the industry that you are interested in. Some recruiters will help you write your resume, but many of them will be able to refer you to a professional resume writing service.
Ask your friends. The best resume writing services are able to succeed by growing organically. When someone has a good experience with a company, they are likely to refer their friends, and this is what resume writing companies are counting on. There is no better way to find something you are looking for than getting a recommendation from someone you know and trust. Ask friends and family to see if they have worked on their resume with anyone’s assistance.
Resume writing books. There are hundreds of books published by successful Professional Resume Writers. Use websites such as Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com to read book reviews and see if you can contact any of the more successful writers to assist you with your resume.