G0i Business How I stopped chasing a “cure” ..and healed from Lyme disease

How I stopped chasing a “cure” ..and healed from Lyme disease

In whatever form it is consumed, a mescaline experience is highly hallucinogenic and lends itself to self-exploration. Many people report that it also creates a uniquely empathic effect in the user, making it useful for personal healing.

Why choose Kambo over other substances?

While there’s often no cure for recurring headaches, some scientific studies into the effect of small doses of psychedelics have shown promising results. With micro-dosing, the dosage is spread out over stages, taking around a tenth of the normal dose over the course of a month. There are usually no visual perceptions or hallucinogenic results, lightening one’s mood over time as a gradual process rather than a psychedelic trip.

D) Closeup of skin marks.To collect the secretions from the frog’s body, first, the frog has to be caught. A practitioner will tie the frog to four sticks placed in the ground with its limbs completely stretched. The pulling causes the frog to become stressed enough to activate its defense mechanism and secrete a substance containing peptides from its skin. Small burns are created on the skin, and a small dose of the frog secretions applied to the open wounds. In native practice, the secretions are removed from the wounds after 15 to 20 minutes, ending the acute symptoms.

Personal Growth

Set the stage for optimal growth by greeting these allies respectfully as teachers, not treatments. Listen without judgement, establishing trust rooted in patience and acceptance. Surrender to each medicine’s unique wisdom, on its schedule, not yours. Sacraments are made to order and are therefore energetically fresh; they carry the healing energies of the medicine maker. If you miss out, we have lots of other retreats coming up, so keep an eye out for future dates. Would you like to connect with your ancestor’s souls and rewrite the stories and trauma of your past? Ancestral medicine can help break curses passed down in your DNA, helping to mend your relationships with loved ones.


This process is focused on reconnecting them to their inherent ability to heal. As the medicine imparts clarity, it gradually releases the person from past traumas or limiting beliefs.

Read more about Reiki training here.